New „Arrivals“ on 7 February 2025

As you already know from last years dates my good friend Jaded and I have a new show on FriskyRadio. We have been collaborating from 2012 on and so we decided we should team up for an irregular show. And as you all know in the beginning you sometimes get carried away so we already mixed the third installment!

The first two shows have already aired in August and October and were two progressive mixes. Now we thought of something different – movie scores and game scores. Jaded is a big movie score enthusiast and played a great variety, I myself focussed on game scores that have always fascinated me. I especially picked some tunes from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the two Ori games or Arise – A Simple Story.

So tune into FriskyRadio CHILL on February 7th, 2025, at 12 p.m. EST / 6 p.m. CET and enjoy the chillout and orchestral sounds!

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