The Redux label family has been one of my biggest achievements in the last years. We are still connected and so I played a short guest mix of an hour for the Redux Spotlight Sessions. It will air on March 1st, 2020 (tomorrow!), at 3 p.m. CET on with tunes by Robert Nickson, Cyril Ryaz, Nikolauss, Ferry Tayle or Sean Mathews. This will be a blast of uplifting music!
If you want to know more about the Spotlight Sessions here’s the last one with Terra V.!
The next 2 hours will blow you away! In this compilation of some of the best tracks of the 2010s I collected mostly heavy, uplifting and vocal tunes. Be it Steve Allen or James Dymond, the Skylex Remix of The Thrillseekers‘ Amber or Luke Bond’s On Fire remixed by Aly & Fila, all of them share a driving beat, some even Tech elements, but still a beautiful and breathtaking melody! Listen to Illitheas‘ Epica, Fady & Mina’s Akemi or Chris SX‘ Connecting People – they still have a breathtaking break and memorable chord patterns to enjoy everytime.
Putting together the Epiphany of Sound series with the best tracks of the 2010s was a big task. The first mix covered most progressive tracks, so the second part is making the transition to the more energetic music. It is just over 2 hours of general Trance, some classical like Sean Mathews Paradise or the Suncatcher remix of Leave The Light On, some pointing to more uplifting Trance like Robert Nickson’s Somewhere In Spacetime or Daniel Kandi’s Change The World. One track that had to be in is the melodic, melancholic monolith that is Time To Rest, which Andy Blueman remade himself in 2011.
All over this mix shows how diverse trance has been in the 2010s and it creates some appetite for the uplifting episodes!
So press play and enjoy!
Simon Patterson & Greg Downey feat. Bo Bruce – Come To Me (Original Mix) [Night Vision]
Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli – Save Me (John O’Callaghan Remix) [Garuda]
Activa – Luminosity (Extended Mix) [Degenerate]
Steve Brian & Agulo feat. David Berkeley – Blood & The Wine (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb – I Don’t Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [Vandit]
Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy – Love The Fear (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
Epiphany of Sound has been a podcast mostly set in the 2010s. I started it around 2013 and it is still a journey I enjoy very much!
Now that the 2010s have ended my mate Magdelayna inspired me to look for tracks that I find the most inspiring, the best tracks of the decade. He tried to figure out his Top 20 and I tried the same after him but I couldn’t do it. There are just so many outstanding, amazing tunes that I put together the best 100 tracks. The first part sets sail with more progressive melodic tracks from the likes of Cosmic Gate, Juventa, Dimension, Estiva or epic and yet groovy Skylarking by BT.
These are the first 14 tracks and there will be 4 parts following in the next days and weeks!
Back in November I visited Northern Germany to play at the Trancecube once again. Unfortunately the real recording couldn’t be recovered, so I re-recorded the live set as perfect as I could remember – set list and timing/transitions should be nearly as in the club. Of course, it is posted on Soundcloud!
Press play and enjoy!
Tiësto – Forever Today [Magik Muzik]
Ciaran McAuley – The Sunrise Through Your Eyes (Extended Mix) [FSOE]
The Thrillseekers – Halcyon 2016 (Extended Mix) [FSOE]
Dan Stone feat. Victoria Shersick – Only The Memories (Original Mix) [FSOE]
So hidden from some of you a new gig is ahead in just three days! I’ll be hitting the decks again in a club where it all started in 2006.
I’ll be playing 50 solid minutes at the TranceCube revival in Greifswald on Saturday, Nov 16th, 2019. Being aware that it’s a pretty short set I have already prepared a list of maybe 30-40 tracks I want to choose from in this set. I have to make this set on point! As I know most of you can’t be there, there will be a recording and I will post it here later, of course!
I’m excited to go back to my old town and to play a live set again!
It was about time for the next installment of „Epiphany of Sound“! Here we have some progressive sounds in the beginning accelerating to the TechTrance by Sean Tyas and Red Sky in the middle exploding in the vocal and uplifting tunes in the end by Susana, Factor B or the classic by The Thrillseekers.
Some of you might know that I once organised and played at the Trancecube some years ago. In recent years the event was taking a long hiatus, but it will be revived (for an unknown number of shows) and thus head of the party Pete Severano is gathering some resident DJs. He asked us to play some secret favourites we want to share with the #TranceFamily – that means some tracks that aren’t overplayed as „classics“.
Being the overachiever that I am (guilty!) I felt the need to compile two of these mixes with some older tracks and some more recent ones. Today Pete released the second one and I don’t want to keep them secret for you.
Enjoy these hidden gems of classic and new school Trance!
Classics Mix I – Tracklist
Verest – With You (Greg W. Remix) [CD-R]
RMB – Horizon (Club Mix) [Polydor Zeitgeist]
Cape Town – Percivalesque (Original Mix) [Green Martian]
Passiva – Serenity (Original Mix) [Selective]
Shadimen – By Morning (Santoz Remix) [Shah-Music Digital]
Re:Locate – Distant Heartache [Galactive]
Mike Emery – Vapour Trails (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Conspiracy]
Classics Mix II – Tracklist
Nurettin Colak – Conception (AJ Hutch Remix) [Blue Note]
Attila Syah & LTN – Bromo (Original Mix) [Suanda True]
Flatlex – Phaethon (Original Mix) [E.T.T.]
Enmax – Magnificat (Extended Mix) [Condura]
Saato – Hurdles (Original Mix) [Titan Audio]
Airborne Angel – Origo (Original Rework) [Levare]
The Thrillseekers – When All Else Fails (Original Mix) [Adjusted]
Epiphany of Sound is always something special for me! This time I had a bunch of tunes from 2018 lying around which I hadn’t played enough and I just had to put them on the show. So this time it’s Kaimo K, Frank Waanders, Will Rees, Craig Connelly, Manuel le Saux & Astuni and many others with their mostly uplifting tunes!
At the end I couldn’t resist playing my new free remix of Matt Bowdidge’s Far From Me which I just released on my Soundcloud. I hope it fits for you!
Prepare your speakers for just another episode of Epiphany of Sound! The tracklist contains Kayosa & Tolland, Solarstone & Scott Bond, BluSkay, Dennis Pedersen but also newcomers like Epyxx.
The classic this time is by Albert Vorne – M.I.K.E.’s remix of A Leaden Day is just iconic!